招 聘单 位 | 计算机科学技术学院 The School of Computer Science |
学 科方 向 | 人工智能、网络与信息安全、理论计算机科学、人机交互与服务工程、系统软件与软件工程技术、数据工程与数据科学 artificial intelligence,networking and information security,theoretical computer science,human-centered computing,system software and software engineering, and databases and data science |
招 聘岗 位 | 教授、青年研究员4名青年副研究员3名讲师1名 The School of Computer Science at Fudan University is seeking candidates for tenure-track faculty appointments at Assistant, Associate and/or Full Professor levels. |
岗 位要 求 | 1、在计算机科学或相关领域获博士学位 2、对人工智能、网络与信息安全、理论计算机科学、人机交互与服务工程、系统软件与软件工程技术或数据工程与数据科学领域有较深入的研究,具备独立开展研究的能力 3、已有相关论文发表在权威级以上期刊,有较强的学术研究能力或潜力 4、热爱教学、科研工作 5、良好的表达沟通能力、善于合作 Position requirements: The candidates should have a Doctoral degree in Computer Science or a related field. As the School intends to strengthen the existing research areas,candidates from the following areas are preferred:artificial intelligence,networking and information security,theoretical computer science,human-centered computing,system software and software engineering, and databases and data science. The candidates should have already published in top venues in the relevant areas, and have shown strong potential in research and education. The candidates should also have passion in teaching and education, and have good communication skills and collaborative spirits. |
招 聘范 围 | 1、校内[ ] 校外[ ] 2、本市[ ] 外省[ ] 3、国内[√ ] 国外[√] |
岗 位待 遇 | 原则上按国家和复旦大学统一规定执行;可面议。 Compensation is negotiable. |
应 聘程 序 | 1、应聘者提交材料:中英文简历(注明所要申请的职位及户口所在地,并阐述教学科研理念)、学历学位证书复印件、三封专家推荐信、其它可以证明本人教学科研能力的文件; 2、初试合格者,安排面试; 3、面试合格,上报校人事处审批。 Application materials: 1、Curriculum Vitae and cover letter (including research & education statements) 2、Copy of degree certificates 3、Three letters of recommendation 4、Any other materials deemed helpful for the application Please send the above application materials to |
联 系方 式 | 联系人:唐恩美联系电话:8621-51355555-12 E-mail: Contact Information: Ms. Grace Tang Telephone: 8621-51355555-12 E-mail: |
截 止时 间 | 截止时间:2015年7月11日(长期有效,分阶段招聘) This posting will expire on July. 11th, 2015. |