' this code and information is provided as is without warranty of any kind,
' either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied
' warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
' copyright (c) 1999- 2002. microsoft corporation. all rights reserved.
' cencrypt.vbs
' this is a sample script to illustrate how to use the capicom's encrypteddata
' to encrypt/decrypt text file.
' note: for simplicity, this script does not handle exception.
option explicit
const forreading = 1, forwriting = 2
' command.
const unknown = 0
const encrypt = 1
const decrypt = 2
' capicom's constants.
const capicom_encryption_algorithm_rc2 = 0
const capicom_encryption_algorithm_rc4 = 1
const capicom_encryption_algorithm_des = 2
const capicom_encryption_algorithm_3des = 3
const capicom_encryption_algorithm_aes = 4
const capicom_encryption_key_length_maximum = 0
const capicom_encryption_key_length_40_bits = 1
const capicom_encryption_key_length_56_bits = 2
const capicom_encryption_key_length_128_bits = 3
const capicom_encryption_key_length_192_bits = 4
const capicom_encryption_key_length_256_bits = 5
' command line arguments.
dim command : command = unknown
dim password : password = null
dim algorithm : algorithm = capicom_encryption_algorithm_rc2
dim keylength : keylength = capicom_encryption_key_length_maximum
dim verbose : verbose = false
dim filenames()
' first make sure the script is executed by cscript.exe.
if instr(1, ucase(wscript.fullname), cscript.exe, vbtextcompare) = 0 then
wscript.echo this script can only be executed by cscript.exe. & vbcrlf & vbcrlf &_
you can either: & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
1. set cscript.exe as the default (run cscript //h:cscript), or & vbcrlf & _
2. run cscript.exe directly as in, cscript & wscript.scriptname & .
end if
' parse the command line.
' now process the command.
select case command
case encrypt
doencryptcommand filenames, algorithm, keylength, password
case decrypt
dodecryptcommand filenames, password
end select
' end main
' subroutine: doencryptcommand
' synopsis : encrypt content of text file filenames(0).
' parameter : filenames - array of filenames.
' algorithm - encryption algorithm
' keylength - key size.
' password - secret password.
sub doencryptcommand (filenames, algorithm, keylength, password)
dim content
dim message
dim encrypteddata
' create the encrypteddata object.
set encrypteddata = createobject(capicom.encrypteddata)
' set algorithm, key size, and encryption password.
encrypteddata.algorithm.name = algorithm
encrypteddata.algorithm.keylength = keylength
encrypteddata.setsecret password
' display main title.
wscript.stdout.writeline encrypting text file & filenames(0) & .
' display more detail for verbose operation.
if verbose then
displaydetail encrypteddata
end if
' load content of text file to be encrypted.
loadfile filenames(0), content
' now encrypt it.
encrypteddata.content = content
message = encrypteddata.encrypt
' finally, save encrypted message to filenames(1).
savefile filenames(1), message
wscript.stdout.writeline successful - encrypted message saved to & filenames(1) & .
' free resources.
set encrypteddata = nothing
end sub ' end doencryptcommand
' subroutine: dodecryptcommand
' synopsis : decrypt an encrypted file.
' parameter : filenames - array of filenames.
' password - secret password.
sub dodecryptcommand (filenames, password)
dim message
dim encrypteddata
' create the encrypteddata object.
set encrypteddata = createobject(capicom.encrypteddata)
' set decryption password.
encrypteddata.setsecret password
' display main title.
wscript.stdout.writeline decrypting encrypted text file & filenames(0) & .
' load the encrypted message.
loadfile filenames(0), message
' now decrypt it.
' display more detail for verbose operation.
if verbose then
displaydetail encrypteddata
end if
' finally, save decrypted content to filenames(1).
savefile filenames(1), encrypteddata.content
wscript.stdout.writeline successful - decrypted content saved to & filenames(1) & .
' free resources.
set encrypteddata = nothing
end sub ' end dodecryptcommand
' subroutine: loadfile
' synopsis : read content of a text file.
' parameter : filename - input text filename.
' buffer - string buffer to receive the text file content.
sub loadfile (filename, buffer)
dim fso
set fso = createobject(scripting.filesystemobject)
if not fso.fileexists(filename) then
wscript.stdout.writeline error: file & filename & not found.
end if
dim ts
set ts = fso.opentextfile(filename, forreading)
buffer = ts.readall
end sub ' end loadfile
' subroutine: savefile
' synopsis : save string to file.
' parameter : filename - output filename.
' buffer - string buffer to be saved.
sub savefile (filename, buffer)
dim fso
set fso = createobject(scripting.filesystemobject)
dim ts
set ts = fso.opentextfile(filename, forwriting, true)
ts.write buffer
end sub ' end savefile
' subroutine: displaydetail
' synopsis : display detail information.
' parameter : encrypteddata - encrypteddata object.
sub displaydetail (encrypteddata)
dim algonames(4)
algonames(0) = rc2
algonames(1) = rc4
algonames(2) = des
algonames(3) = 3des
algonames(4) = aes
wscript.stdout.writeline algorithm : & algonames(encrypteddata.algorithm.name)
wscript.stdout.write key length:
select case encrypteddata.algorithm.keylength
case capicom_encryption_key_length_40_bits
wscript.stdout.writeline 40 bits
case capicom_encryption_key_length_56_bits
wscript.stdout.writeline 56 bits
case capicom_encryption_key_length_128_bits
wscript.stdout.writeline 128 bits
case capicom_encryption_key_length_192_bits
wscript.stdout.writeline 192 bits
case capicom_encryption_key_length_256_bits
wscript.stdout.writeline 256 bits
case else
wscript.stdout.writeline maximum
end select
end sub ' end displaydetail
' subroutine: parsecommandline
' synopsis : parse the command line, and set the options accordingly.
' parameter : none
sub parsecommandline
' constants for command line parsing states.
const arg_state_command = 0
const arg_state_options = 1
const arg_state_algorithm = 2
const arg_state_length = 3
const arg_state_filename = 4
const arg_state_password = 5
const arg_state_end = 6
' parse command line.
dim arg
dim argstate : argstate = arg_state_command
for each arg in wscript.arguments
select case argstate
case arg_state_command
select case ucase(arg)
case encrypt
command = encrypt
case decrypt
command = decrypt
case else
end select
argstate = arg_state_options
case arg_state_options
select case ucase(arg)
case -alg, /alg
argstate = arg_state_algorithm
case -length, /length
argstate = arg_state_length
case -v, /v
verbose = true
case -?, /?
case else
if left(arg, 1) = - or left(arg, 1) = / then
redim filenames(0)
filenames(0) = arg
end if
argstate = arg_state_filename
end select
case arg_state_algorithm
if left(arg, 1) = - or left(arg, 1) = / then
select case ucase(arg)
case rc2
algorithm = capicom_encryption_algorithm_rc2
case rc4
algorithm = capicom_encryption_algorithm_rc4
case des
algorithm = capicom_encryption_algorithm_des
case 3des
algorithm = capicom_encryption_algorithm_3des
case aes
algorithm = capicom_encryption_algorithm_aes
case else
end select
end if
argstate = arg_state_options
case arg_state_length
if left(arg, 1) = - or left(arg, 1) = / then
select case ucase(arg)
case 40
keylength = capicom_encryption_key_length_40_bits
case 56
keylength = capicom_encryption_key_length_56_bits
case 128
keylength = capicom_encryption_key_length_128_bits
case 192
keylength = capicom_encryption_key_length_192_bits
case 256
keylength = capicom_encryption_key_length_256_bits
case max
keylength = capicom_encryption_key_length_maximum
case else
end select
end if
argstate = arg_state_options
case arg_state_filename
if left(arg, 1) = - or left(arg, 1) = / then
redim preserve filenames(ubound(filenames) + 1)
filenames(ubound(filenames)) = arg
end if
argstate = arg_state_password
case arg_state_password
if left(arg, 1) = - or left(arg, 1) = / then
password = arg
end if
argstate = arg_state_end
case else
wscript.stdout.writeline internal script error: unknown argument state ( & cstr(argstate) & ) encountered.
end select
' make sure we are in good state.
if argstate <> arg_state_end then
end if
end sub ' parsecommandline
' subroutine: displayusage
' synopsis : display the usage screen, and then exit with a negative error
' code.
' parameter : none.
sub displayusage
select case command
case unknown
wscript.stdout.writeline usage: cencrypt command [options] infile outfile password
wscript.stdout.writeline command:
wscript.stdout.writeline encrypt -- encrypt a text file
wscript.stdout.writeline decrypt -- decrypt an encrypted text file
wscript.stdout.writeline for help on a specific command, enter cencrypt command -?
case encrypt
wscript.stdout.writeline usage: cencrypt encrypt [options] contentfile encryptedfile password
wscript.stdout.writeline the encrypt command is used to encrypt a text file based on a secret password.
wscript.stdout.writeline encrypting protects the data from being read by others except those who know
wscript.stdout.writeline the secret password.
wscript.stdout.writeline options:
wscript.stdout.writeline -alg <algorithm> -- rc2, rc4, des, 3des, or aes (default to rc2)
wscript.stdout.writeline -length <key length> -- 40, 56, 128, 192, 256, or max (default to max,
wscript.stdout.writeline and ignored for des or 3des)
wscript.stdout.writeline -v -- verbose operation
wscript.stdout.writeline -? -- this help screen
wscript.stdout.writeline contentfile -- text file to be encrypted
wscript.stdout.writeline encryptedfile -- encrypted text file
wscript.stdout.writeline note: all non-fatal invalid options for this specific command will be ignored.
case decrypt
wscript.stdout.writeline usage: cencrypt decrypt [options] encryptedfile contentfile password
wscript.stdout.writeline the decrypt command is used to decrypt an encrypted text file.
wscript.stdout.writeline options:
wscript.stdout.writeline -v -- verbose operation
wscript.stdout.writeline -? -- this help screen
wscript.stdout.writeline encryptedfile -- encrypted text file
wscript.stdout.writeline contentfile -- decrypted text file
wscript.stdout.writeline note: all non-fatal invalid options for this specific command will be ignored.
case else
wscript.stdout.writeline internal script error: unknown help state (command = & cstr(command) & ).
end select
end sub ' end displayusage