院系/所/中心(School) |
信息科学技术学院(School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science) |
合作导师(Mentor) |
林宙辰(Zhouchen Lin)http://www.cis.pku.edu.cn/faculty/vision/zlin/zlin.htm |
研究专业/方向(Department/Area) |
机器学习(machine learning),特别是机器学习理论及优化方向(especially theories and optimization algorithms in machine learning) |
年薪标准(Annual Salary) |
不低于18万/年(含税)(No less than 180,000RMB/year, tax included) |
职位描述(Position Description) |
(1)在相关研究领域进行研究并发表研究成果;(Research and publish) (2)协助导师进行其它研究、出版、会议和项目活动。(Help the mentor in affairs of research, publication, conference and project actitivies) |
候选人基本条件(Basic Qualifications) |
(1)博士后申请人应具有博士学位和学历,品学兼优,身心健康;(Must have a Ph.D. degree and be healthy) (2)年龄在35岁以下;(No older than 35) (3)即将获得博士学位或获博士学位不超过三年;(Will have the Ph.D. degree soon or had the Ph.D. degree within 3 years) (4)能够保证在站期间全时从事博士后研究;(Must be full-time) (5)申请人进站研究计划需与合作导师科研课题或研究专长相关。(The research plan should match that of mentor’s) |
候选人附加条件(Additional Qualifications) |
申请人应该具有一定的编程能力并已在顶级杂志或会议发表过论文。(Should have adequate coding skills and already have publications on top journals or conferences) |
申请材料(Applicant Documents) |
(1)个人简历;(Resume) (2)学术成果清单;(Publication list) (3)二至五篇代表作全文;(Two to five representative publications) (4)博士后研究设想及工作计划。(Research plan) |
联系人(Contact Information) |
姓名:林宙辰(Zhouchen Lin);邮件地址:zclin2000@hotmail.com |
备注(Remark) |
所收申请材料恕不退回。(The application materials will not be returned) |
截止时间(Due Date) |
2020-12-31(Dec. 31, 2020) |