Todd: OK. Cat, we're going to talk about high school.
Cat: OK.
Todd: Ah, tell me about high school. Did you like high school?
Cat: I did after I was about 14 or 15 years old, when we could chose our subjects.
Todd: Uh-huh.
Cat: I started to enjoy it more then.
Todd: OK. What subjects did you chose?
Cat: When I did A-levels, which is the exam from 16 to 18, I studied psychology, English literature, and business studies.
Todd: Wow. Of those subjects, what was your favorite?
Cat: Probably psychology.
Todd: Psychology.
Cat: Mm!
Todd: OK. Do you still study psychology?
Cat: No, I did at university, but since I left university I haven't really studied anything.
Todd: OK. What was your best memory about high school?
Cat: My best memory! Leaving.
Todd: Yeah. OK. Ah, what was your worst memory?
Cat: The exams. At my A-levels I took about 24 hours of exams.
Todd: Wow!
Cat: In a space of a couple of weeks. It was a nightmare.
Todd: Yeah. That sounds like it. Wow, that's terrible. OK. Thanks.
Cat: No problem.