中国科学院微生物研究所(中日联合实验室是中国科学院与日本东京大学国际合作协议的支持项目。石田尚臣教授研究组致力于新发、再发传染病的研究。研究领域主要包括1)病毒潜伏感染的相关基因研究;2)病毒感染对于宿主细胞的功能和分化的影响研究 3)病毒和细菌共感染对病毒复制的影响研究。我们寻找对传染病研究具有强烈兴趣的应聘者。
1)自发布招聘通知之日起至2017年6月30日之前,符合上述条件的应聘者请将个人英文简历、两名推荐人的姓名、联系方式及简要介绍发送至imoakat@me.com和 ,附件形式的简历请以本人名字的英文形式命名,如“Yu Zhang(张宇)”;
The China-Japan Joint Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Molecular Microbiology in the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Science is recruiting 1 or 2 Research Assistants.
The China-Japan Joint Laboratory in Institute of Microbiology, CAS is interested in the molecular biological studies for the emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. The major research areas include:
1) The analysis of the virus genes involved in latently infection.
2) Investigation of the influences of the virus infection on the host cells function and differentiation.
3) Investigation of the influences to the replication of the virus and bacteria in the situation of the co-infection.
Highly motivated candidates with a strong interest in the infectious diseases are sought.
Suitable applicants for the research assistant positions must hold a Master degree in natural or related sciences, it is desirable that applicants be Ph.D. holder in the fields of biomedical research. Previous experience in virological studies is favorable but not prerequisite for the employment. The successful applicants are expected to be familiar with basic molecular biological techniques such as plasmid manipulations, PCR, and mammalian cell culture. The candidates should be proficient in both written and spoken English. The appointment term is project-based and can be extended till the end of March 2020 with an annual review.
Interested candidates should send your CV in English and the names of two reference persons with their contact information to the both e-mail address: and until the end of June 2017. The attached file should be named as “your name in English” such as “Yu Zhang”.
The job meeting should be held following the mail or call sending for successful candidates in primary selection, the candidates must have the copies of certificate for your degree and recommendation letters. The successful candidates in the meeting selection must have medical checking at the designated hospitals.