It only took this American company one year to open up China’s market. Market demand aside, it seems that Uber has tried literally everything to adjust its strategies in order to accommodate Chinese users.
Uber became a big hit in China. On one hand, its drivers are being pulled over and fined by transportation authorities in multiple cities as illegal operations; on the other hand, its news is everywhere on Moments of Wechat.
Especially Uber’s office was banned at Guangzhou before May 1st holidays. In short order Uber initiated a campaign “To hail a superhero” at Shenzhen in response to the popular movie Avengers 2. Passengers were randomly assigned with drivers who dressed up as superheroes like Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor etc..
与国内类似的打车服务软件相比,令Uber声名鹊起的不仅是它的低价,更是它的创意营销:它们在西湖推出了“打船”;在后海可以一键叫到人力三轮;找工作的学生可以用Uber“一键叫高管”;在上海甚至可以直接“打飞的”,直接由赵又廷驾驶;春节期间可以叫来舞狮表演; 一不留神儿还能叫到开着特斯拉的佟大为,或是微博以辛辣点评著称的时尚博主带你看秀;在天津地区,Uber一下,相声师傅马上就到。这些活动为Uber赚满了眼球。
Compared to its counterparts in China, Uber attained its fame not only by its low cost, but also its innovative marketing strategies: Uber put forward a campaign of “hailing a boat” at West Lake; or to hail a pedicab at Hou Hai; students who are looking for jobs can use Uber to “hail a senior officer”; in Shanghai even “hail a helicopter drove by Youting Zhao” is available; to hail a lion dance during New Year Festival; there is also a chance you can see Dawei Tong in a Tesla come to give you a ride, or a fashion blogger whose microblogs are known for their pungency takes you to a show; in Tianjin area, you can Uber a crosstalk comedian. These campaigns have won over Uber many eyeballs.
This foreign company expected to get transplant rejection as Paypal, eBay nevertheless have their finger on the pulse of Chinese market in a time period of just over one year.
2010年,Uber第一辆车上路,它一开始就是一个有成熟盈利模式的移动互联网公司。像以往所有“Copy to China”的故事一样,Uber的模式迅速被盯上了,很快国内就出现了类似的滴滴快的、易到等等一众创业公司。近期又出现了一波主打“拼车”概念的公司。
Uber’s first car hit the road in 2010. It started out as a mobile internet company with a mature profitable business model. Like all the other “Copy to China” stories, Uber’s mode caught attention immediately. Before long, a number of similar startups like Didi, Yidao emerged at home. Lately a wave of “Carpool-concept” companies boomed as well.
However, Uber adopted a different storyline than any other companies before it, it did not fail in China for its “Transplant Rejection”. On the contrary, Uber started to make good efforts compensating its drivers which was very effective while Didi and Kuaidi could not afford to “burn their cash on compensation” and later merged.
The pace at which Uber grows madly in China have made Didi Kuai di - whose backstop is two giant companies Ali and Tencent - feel very stressful. They swiftly put forward products that could potentially kill off Uber, but it seems to be difficult to stop the expansion of the American company.
In comparison of all kinds of competition in China, the most tricky problem Uber faces is probably the one with government. “We are in contact of various departments of government.” Xiaofeng Wang, Uber Shanghai Area Manager said, Uber had closed-door conferences, communicational conferences with relevant authorities in many cities. Uber has also dealt with departments of various types. In addition, the situations of car rental industry can vary in every city.
Today, despite of all the hurdles, Uber has made into more than 300 countries and areas around the globe. As a startup, it is creating more than 50,000 jobs in each month, 600,000 a year, potentially more in the future. Mobile internet is robust, fascinating and confusing, but society is always moving forward.