1.Web entrepreneur网络创办人
The beauty of starting a Web business is that you can do it on a shoestring. Just ask Michelle Madhok of New York, who founded the online shopping empire SheFinds.com in 2004. "I only paid $500 for the first website," Madhok said. "All in all, I probably spent about $20,000 on lawyers, insurance, trademarks, and government documents." And while Madhok isn't earning as much as she did in her last day job, the rewards of being her own boss are "more fulfilling than any corporate paycheck could ever be."
创办网络的好处在于你可以白手起家。你可以去问问纽约的Michelle Madhok,他在2004年创建了网络商店帝国SheFinds.com。他说:“我只支付了500美元的网站费用,总的说来,我在律师,保险,商标以及政府文件方面花了20,000美元。”虽然她所挣的钱并没有她上份工作的多,但是再多的薪水也是没办法和自我创业带来的满足相比的。
Web project manager, median annual salary: $63,182.
Cash-strapped consumers may be eating in more, but that hasn't stopped them from enjoying a glass of wine with dinner. A recent study by wine marketing firm VinterActive reported that U.S. wineries expect consumer sales to increase by 5 to 10 percent in 2009. For aspiring vintners, a love of the vine and taking some classes in the trade are a must. Most pay their dues by harvesting grapes at a winery or working in a wine-country tasting room before being charged with making more technical decisions that affect the flavor and quality of the wine.
拮据的消费者可能会更多的吃东西,但是这并不会阻碍他们在吃饭的时候喝上一杯小酒。最近,葡萄酒营销公司VinterActive的一份研究调查报道显示,2009年美国的红酒销售量预计增长5到10个百分点。有抱负的葡萄酒商,必须热爱葡萄树,以及精通大部分的葡萄酒品种。大部分酿酒师都是先在葡萄酒酿酒厂工作,或在乡村品酒室工作,一步一步的了解葡萄酒,然后才能成为合格的酿酒师, 做出影响葡萄酒风格以及质量的重大技术决定。
Winemaker, median annual salary: $57,723.
3.Doggie daycare owner宠物日托所老板
With pets living in 63 percent of all U.S. households, according to a Lifetime Networks survey, and many pet owners continuing to spend on their four-legged friends despite the recession, there's ample opportunity in pet care. But running a doggie daycare center is more than rubbing bellies, handing out treats, and wrangling the pack. "As much as you are working with animals for a living, you are also working with their owners," says Erika Teschke, owner of Erika's Pet Service, a pet sitting and dog walking company in Seattle. In other words, people skills are a must.
一份网络的终身调查报告显示,全美有63%的家庭都养有宠物。尽管经济不景气,但是很多宠物主还是愿意为宠物花钱,所以说在宠物照顾方面有着巨大的商机。照看宠物不仅仅是帮它揉揉肚子,或梳妆打扮而已。“如果你是依靠照顾宠物维生的话,你同时也是和他们的主人打交道。”西雅图一家宠物公司的老板Erika Teschke说。换句话说,与人打交道的技巧是必需的。
Dog sitter, median annual salary: $44,181.
4.Voiceover artist配音艺术家
As with acting, the competition for the voiceover work you hear in commercials, radio, TV, film, video games, and corporate videos can be daunting. Honing your craft with a vocal coach or in an acting or voiceover training workshop is a must. So is creating a professional demo recording -- which will run you anywhere from several hundred to a several thousand dollars. While many voiceover artists boost their rate by joining the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists or the Screen Actors Guild, union membership is not necessary to work in the field.
Voice-over talent, median annual salary: $45,317.
5.Forensic scientist刑事鉴识科专家
Forensic scientists often work in crime scene labs, analyzing DNA, fingerprints, weapons, and other evidence, and sometimes testifying in court. At minimum, a two-year science degree is required, though a four-year degree will get you farther. According to the BLS, job growth in the field is on the rise. But don't be fooled into thinking forensic science looks anything like it does on CSI. Forensic scientists do far more paperwork than their TV counterparts, and they don't interrogate suspects or have holographic computer programs to do all their work for them.
Forensic scientist, median annual salary: $55,037.
6.Pastry chef糕点厨师
As with alcohol, sweets remain in high demand during recessions, according to the New York Times article, "When Economy Sours, Tootsie Rolls Soothe Souls." If you're hoping to cash in on the country's collective sweet tooth by becoming a pastry chef, getting a solid education at a baking school or pastry chef college can help give you a competitive edge. Restaurants, bakeries, and hotels all hire pastry chefs, and some go into business for themselves. But the job isn't all frosted-pink roses: Pastry chefs are on their feet much of the workday. And depending where they work, their day may begin at 3 or 4 in the morning.
纽约时报上的一篇"When Economy Sours, Tootsie Rolls Soothe Souls."的文章显示,在经济不景气时期,甜点的销量如同酒一样,都是居高不下的。如果你期望成为一名糕点厨师,将全国甜食爱好者的钱纳入私囊,那么,在一家烘焙学校或甜点厨师学院获得坚实的教育能增大你求职的竞争力。餐馆,面包店以及旅馆都需要雇佣糕点厨师,还有一些人是自主创业。但是这份工作也不尽是无限风光,糕点厨师每天大部分时间都要站着。并且根据他们工作地点的不同,有的可能凌晨3、4点钟就要开始工作。
Pastry chef, median annual salary: $41,288.
7.Travel writer旅行作家
Recent media cutbacks have made travel writing gigs much harder to find. But for those willing to hustle, "Freelance opportunities seem to be on the rise, as staffs dwindle," says freelance travel writer and instructor Amanda Castleman. "Many folks are creating their own platforms: blogs, e-zines, and online destination guides." That's not to say it's an easy life. "My typical itinerary for a 'leisure adventure' story may include 30 minutes of downtime from 6:30 am to midnight," says freelance travel writer Crai Bower. "We are also alone for a huge amount of our time so, six-course meal or not, it gets old. All this said, would I do anything else? No bloody way!"
如今媒体的剪辑技术让旅行作家更难发挥其摄影水平。但是对于那些愿意冒险的人来说“因为人数的减少,自由作家的工作机会似乎增大了。” Amanda Castleman是一位自由旅行作家,也是一位讲师,他说:“很多人开创了自己的舞台,写博客,发表电子杂志以及在线的目的地指南等。”这并不是说旅游作家是门轻松的活。旅行作家Crai Bower 说:“一般情况下,如果我要写一篇冒险休闲的文章,我需要从凌晨6:30到午夜去旅行取材,并且大部分时间里我们都是独自一人,六顿饭合为一顿吃,或者干脆不吃,这让我们老得更快。我说的这些都表明,我还会做其他事情吗?没有非常之道。”
Writer, median annual salary: $48,888.