1. Come on!加油吧!
2. Chin up.振作起来。
3. Keep your chin up!别灰心!
4.Believe yourself.相信你自己。
5.Don't lose your heart.别灰心。
6.You can do it.你能做到的。
7.It will all work out.会好起来的。
8.Things will get better.事情会好转的。
9.Tomorrow is another day.明天还有希望。
10. You are doing so well.你做得够好的了。
11.Don't let this get you down.不要为此而灰心丧气。
12.Don't give up hope.不要放弃希望。
13.I'm right behind you.我支持你。
14. That's better than I could do.这比我能办的要好。
15.I'm very proud of you.我为你感到骄傲。
16.I bet you can make it.我打赌你能行。
17.I'm proud of your progress.我为你取得巨大进步而自豪。
18.Thank you for your encouragement.谢谢你给我的鼓励。