Chapter 1 Language, learning, and teaching
The concept of language, the differences between L1 and L2, L2 and FL, the distinction between learning and acquisition.
Chapter 2 First language acquisition theories
Behavioristic approaches, the nativist approach, functional approaches, the distinction between competence and performance.
Chapter 3 Comparing and contrasting first and second language acquisition.
The parameters for comparing and contrasting the first language acquisition and second language acquisition, Critical period hypothesis.
Chapter 4 Human learning theories
Operant conditioning, meaningful learning, Roger’s Humanistic psychology, transfer, interference, overgeneralization
Chapter 5 Learning styles and strategies
Definition and classification of learning styles and strategies, communication strategies, strategy training.
Chapter 6 Personality factors in language learning
Inhibition, motivation, anxiety, risk-taking, self-esteem, empathy
Chapter 7Sociolcultural factors
Cultural stereotypes, acculturation, language, thought and culture, pidginization.
Chapter 8Contrastive analysis, interlanguage and error analysis
The contrastive analysis hypothesis, markedness and universal grammar, interlanguage, error analysis, fossilization.
Chapter 9 Communicative competence
Definition of communicative competence, language functions
Chapter 10 Language testing
Definition of test, kinds of tests, discrete point and integrative testing.
Chapter 11 Theories of second language acquisition
Input hypothesis, Attention-processing model, analysis/automaticity model.
Chapter 12 Language teaching methods
Grammar-translation method, direct method, audio-lingual
method, community language learning, suggestopedia, the silent way, total physical response, communicative language teaching.
1、How Languages are learned,Pasty M. Lightbrown,Nina Spada,Oxford University Press,(2006年版或2013年1月版)