Faculty Positions in International Design Institute, Zhejiang University浙江大学国际设计研究院诚聘英才
Founded in 1897, Zhejiang University (ZJU) in Hangzhou, China, is committed to the highest standards of excellence in education and research. Its newly established International Design Institute invites applications for the full time faculty positions at the rank of full professor, associate professor and lecturer.
The applicants should possess a doctoral degree, with an outstanding record of achievement and impactful research in academics, industry and/or at national laboratories. Candidates should hold a PhD degree and should have a proven track record or proven potential in
- Design Science and Industrial Design, and/or
- Design Driven Technology Development and Product Innovation, and
- Nurturing Future Technology Innovators cum Innovative Designers.
Qualified candidates with strong experience and competence in one of the following areas will be favorably considered
(1) Design Science and Design Engineering
- Ergonomics and human factor study,
- Ambiguity and affective engineering,
- Information design & interactive design,
- Industrial design and design engineering
- Computer aided innovative design and technology,
(2) Technology Innovation and Advanced Product Design
- Information technology and innovative product/system design,
- Medical and healthcare technology and innovative product design,
- Smart home and smart city technology and innovative product design
This is an worldwide search open to qualified candidates of all nationalities. It comes with competitive remuneration packages.
Applications, including
- a cover letter
- a curriculum vitae plus the certificate of PhD degree or equivalent
- a list of publications and patents, plus executive summary of major research achievements,
- a personal statement of research interest and areas of focus, short term and long term research plan and targeted output/ impact, and
- a personal statement of teaching and student supervision,
should be sent to Professor Bo LIU (liu_bo@zju.edu.cn and idi@zju.edu.cn).
Content information on research, education and structure of Zhejiang University and the International Design Institute can be found at
www.zju.edu.cn and
www.idi.zju.edu.cn, respectively
Application review will continue until all of the faculty positions are filled.
— 设计学相关学科及现代工业设计,
— 信息科技创新与创新产品设计,
— 健康医疗科技创新与创新产品设计
— 智慧家居,智慧城市科技创新与创新设计
— 个人简历和博士或同等学力证书,
— 文章和专利情况及主要科研成果简述,
— 个人对加盟浙大国际设计研究院后的科研和与业界合作的设想及可行性,
— 教学工作和研究生培养的规划和展望等
直接寄给浙大国际设计研究院院长刘波教授(电邮:liu_bo@zju.edu.cn和 idi@zju.edu.cn)。
相关网站: www.ZJU.edu.cn