北京工商大学理学院成立于2011年1月,目前涵盖了数学、统计、物理、化学与生物五个一级学科,下设数学系、物理系、化学系、生物技术系、北京市植物资源研究开发重点实验室、中国化妆品研究中心与化学实验中心(北京市高等学校实验教学示范中心)等部门。理学院可招收统计学(一级学科)、化学工艺(化妆品)、材料物理与化学、化妆品科学与技术等学科的硕士研究生,并设有应用统计学、信息与计算科学、化学(化妆品化学)、生物技术(化妆品生物技术)4个本科专业,另外有经教育部批准的与爱尔兰国立考克大学(University College Cork)合作办学的风险与精算(Risk and Actuarial Science)专业。目前在校本科生700多人,硕士研究生80余人。
截止2014年3月,学院有教职工102人,专职教师86人,其中教授16人,副教授35人,讲师35人。具有博士学位的教师67人,占教师总数的78%;博士导师2人,硕士导师42人。教师中享受国务院特殊津贴专家1人,全国高校优秀骨干教师1人,北京新世纪百千万人才工程1人,北京市教学名师2人, 北京市优秀教师1人,北京市教委高等学校拔尖创新人才1人,北京市教育创新标兵1人, 北京市学术创新团队2个,北京市优秀青年骨干教师12人。
近3年获北京市优秀教学成果奖3项,北京市科学技术二等奖1项,北京工商大学教育教学成果一等奖2项, 获北京市青年教师基本功比赛一等奖1项,主持国家自然科学基金等国家级项目18项,主持北京市自然科学基金10项,横向合作项目60多项,学院年均到位科研经费约800万元。获专利12项,以第一作者发表学术论文300余篇,其中100多篇被SCI/EI收录, 出版著作教材10多部。全院教职工正以饱满的工作热情,积极开展前沿学术研究, 创新教学方法, 本着尊重学术人才,以学生为本,服务社会的宗旨勤奋工作、开拓创新、锐意进取,为实现学校由教学型大学向教学研究型大学的转变而努力奋斗!
About School of Science
School of Science of Beijing Technology and Business University was established in January 2011. The school consists of department of mathematics, department of physics, department of chemistry, department of biotechnology , Beijing Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Research and Development, China Cosmetic Research Center and Chemical Experiment Center (Beijing Higher School Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center), which currently covers five first-level disciplines of mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry and biology. We recruit postgraduate students of statistics, chemical technology, materials physics and chemistry, cosmetics science and technology, and also set four undergraduate majors: Applied Statistics, Information and Computational Science, Chemistry and biotechnology. In addition, we have a joint undergraduate program Risk and Actuarial Science with University College Cork, Ireland. At present, there are about 700 undergraduates, 80 postgraduates.
Sticking to discipline construction as its main task, the school optimizes the discipline structure, extracts the features of the disciplines, develops advantaged disciplines and cultivates innovative teams by integrating the discipline construction with the construction of academic programs and laboratories. Many achievements have been made in discipline construction. For example, the cosmetics science which is featured in cosmetics materials and appraisal criteria has won a good reputation at home and abroad.
The school has many state of the art laboratories. The Beijing Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Research and Development, certified by Beijing Municipal Education Committee and Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Committee, is currently the sole teaching and scientific research institute in our country that specializes in R&D of aloe and related plant products. The laboratory is mainly directed to the research and development of plant resources through the application of modern biotechnologies including genetic engineering, cell engineering and enzyme engineering, the development of high-resolution separation and purification techniques of bioactive components from Chinese specific plant species, as well as the development of natural functional additives to cosmetics and foods. The State Light Industrial Center for Quality Supervision and Testing of Aloe Products was established attached to the laboratory, and meanwhile the State Test Center for Function and Safety of Cosmetics materials and products is now under construction. The Chemical Experiment Center is composed of 4 basic experimental course laboratories (Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry), Medium Instrument Laboratory and Comprehensive Chemistry Laboratory. The experimental physics center consists of the teaching laboratory of fundamental physics, materials physics laboratory, the open laboratory of physics, PASCO physics laboratory, the physics research and innovation laboratory, and the demonstration laboratory of physics.
By March 2014, there are 102 staff, 86 full-time teachers, including 16 professors, 35 associate professors, 35 lecturers. 67 teachers in the School have doctoral degree, accounting for 78% of total; two Doctoral Advisor, 42 Master Advisors. One expert receives the state council special allowance, and we also boast one National University Excellent Backbone Teacher, one Beijing's New Century Key Talent in Engineering, one Beijing Teaching Master, one Beijing Outstanding Teacher, one Innovative Builder of Higher School of Beijing Education, one Beijing Education Innovation Pacesetter, two Beijing Academic Innovation Teams, 12 Beijing Outstanding Young Teachers.
In recent 3 years, our faculty members have obtained 3 Beijing outstanding teaching achievement prizes, won one second prize of Beijing Science and Technology, two first prizes of Education and Teaching achievements of BTBU, one first prize of Beijing Young Teachers' Basic Skills Competition, chaired 18 National Natural Science Funds, chaired 10 Beijing Natural Science Funds programs and more than 60 other applied research projects, had 12 national invention patents granted, and published, as the first author, over 300 research papers, more than 100 of which are indexed by SCI/EI, and over 10 books. In addition, the average annual research funds that we have received in recent 3 years hit more than 8 million yuan ($1.4million).
At present, our faculty and staff members are taking the founding of the School of Science as a new start, and are engaged in frontier research, innovative teaching. By providing community service, showing respect for knowledge and talents, putting students in the first place, we are working diligently and trying hard to realize the change of BTBU from a teaching-oriented university to a teaching and research-oriented university!