Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Prof. Yang Yang's research group, SIST
Professor Yang Yang and his group is currently working on several key research projects in the areas of LTE/5G systems, wireless sensor networks Internet of Things, and heterogeneous wireless networks, which have been generously funded by the 863 hi-tech RD program (MOST), the National Science and Technology Major Project (MIIT), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and Shanghai local government (STCSM). The group is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities and equipments, worth more than 10M US dollars.
We invite highly motivated individuals with a Ph.D. degree to work with us on data analysis, information retrieval, autonomous intelligent control, system modeling, and algorithm/application developments across heterogeneous sensor networks.
(1) PhD degree in electrical/electronic engineering, computer science, automatic control, or related areas.
(2) Solid research experience in communication networks, data sciences, channel/network/traffic measurement and modeling, intelligent systems, performance analysis and optimization, wireless sensor networks or internet of things.
(3) Good publication track record or system design and implementation experiences.
(4) Strong mathematical skills and system simulation development experiences.
(5) Good communication skills and capability of supervising research students.
(6) Fluent in oral and written English.
Qualified applicants are invited to submit (all in English) a cover letter, a CV including copies of 2/3 representative publications, and three letters of reference to: hr-sist@shanghaitech.edu.cn (cc to yangyang@shanghaitech.edu.cn). We provide very competitive salary and benefits for this post.
Deadline: December 31st, 2015