
face (adv)

To engage in something heavily or extremely.

【例】Tonight I am going to drink face. [University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, 1998]

face time (n)

A chance to meet people, usually of opposite sex.

【例】There's some great face time on the quad. [Cornell University, Ithaca, NY]

faded (adj)

Very drunk.

【例】We got so faded from drinking beer at the Beta party. [University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 1998; University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV]

fag-hag (n) {offensive}

A chick who likes to hang around with homosexual guys, or has a lot of homosexual male friends.

【例】Look at those people shopping over there...A fag and his fag-hag. [University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, 1998]

false messiah (n)

Something or someone that is relied upon or looked up to, but really shouldn't be. It could be anything that is erroneously purported to be of value.

【例】Those nicotine patches are a false messiah; I started smoking again after 1 week.

【例】The party over at the Alpha Chi Omega house is a false messiah - we're not gonna get laid there tonight. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1999]

fam (n)

Family; close friend that is like family.

【例】John is like fam to me. [Hampton University, Hampton, VA, 1998]

fantabulous (adj)

Fantastic, fabulous.

【例】That test went fantabulous. [Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 1998]

far (n)

Car; an acronym for Fat Ass Ride.

【例】So whose far we takin' tonight? [University of Georgia, Athens, GA; Berry College, Rome, GA , 1998]


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