
SMTP mail order definition of the transmission or by user-defined functions. It is an order from end of the string. With the parameters of the case, ordered by itself and separate parameters, If the parameter can not bring direct and link. One format must receive site and the format. Discussed below SMTP orders and responses. Send mail to the operation involves different data objects, which by different parameters interconnected. MAIL return path is the order parameter, which is the path forward RCPT order parameters, DATA date of the mail order parameters. These parameters or data object must follow in order. This model also requires a different buffer to store these objects, in other words, there is a path back buffer a forward path buffer zone, a buffer zone Mail. Specific order to generate their own buffer zone, or one or more of the buffer contents were removed. HELLO (HELO) order for this to the receiving SMTP SMTP confirm this. Send domain parameters including SMTP host name. By the receiving SMTP authentication order to connect to this SMTP confirmed receiving SMTP. OK primer in response to orders and send and receive confirmation SMTP entered the initial state, that is to say, no operation is being executed. All state table and buffer zones have been cleared of quilts. MAIL (MAIL) This Order will be used for start-mail sent to more than one mailbox. Parameters include restoring domain path. Return to the path including the optional mainframe and mail senders list. When the host list, it is a source of return path, It shows that this mail is from the host table on January 1 this transfer (a mainframe is the last one is now receiving mail server ) overnight. This table can also be made to send non-return of the source of signal transmission path. Every transfer mainframe addresses were added to the beginning of this table, it must use this instead of receiving IPCE.





