
A:Hi, Larry, how was your weekend?嘿,拉里,周末过得怎么样?

B:Not bad. We had a get-together with friends from college. I haven't seen many of them since gradution. How about you?挺不错的,我和大学同学聚会了,其中好多人毕业后我就没见过.你呢?

A:Great. I hung out with Jo all day shopping, and the went out for dinner together.挺好的.我跟乔一起过的,我们俩先去逛了商场,然后一起吃了晚饭.

B:Sounds a good weekend. You know it always amazes me that two people as different as you and Jo can become such close friends.听起来不错.你知道吗,我一直觉得你和乔差别那么大还能成为好朋友感到特别不可思议.

A:Yeah, I never thought we could be good friends either. We have our differences. She's more outgoing and active while I am more quiet and reversed, but we still get along extremely well. We can talk for hours about anything.嗯,我也没有想到我们俩能成为好朋友.我们两个之间有很多不同,她更外向,做事也更积极,而我更内向安静.可是我们俩在一起的时候相处非常好,我们能聊各种话题,一聊就是几个小时.

B:That's great. I know people who can't stand each other for even five minutes.真好,我知道有的人在一起5分钟就无法忍受对方了.

A:When Jo and I are together, we argue a lot, but that's also part of the fun. Besides, I know she will always be there for me when I need her, and she knows I'll be there for her.我和乔在一起时,也总是争论,但那正是有意思的地方.而且我知道当我又需要的时候,她总会支持我,她也知道我总会支持她.

B:It seems you two bring out the best of one another.看来你们俩能互相激励出对方最好的一面.

A:Exactly. Having Jo as my friend is one of the best things that's ever happened to me.是这样,能有乔做朋友,是我经历的最好的事情之一.

B:Yeah, you are so lucky to have found each other.嗯,你们真的很幸运,能成为这样的好朋友.

A:Thanks, I think so too.谢谢,我也这么认为.


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