口语交际:我能相信他么 Can I trust him or what

A:So how long have you know Jack?

B:We go way back.We've known each other since we were toddlers.

A:Really?You guys must be really tight.

B:Yeah , We're buddy-buddy still.

A:He seems sincere,and trustworthy.

B:Well, he is,but he can be conniving at times.

A:What do you mean ?

B:Well, I know that he would never stab me in the back.But I've seen him double cross other people.

A:Oh, my! Really?I never thought he would be like that.

B:Don't get me wrong,I'm not saying he's like that all the time.

A:So,can I trust him or what?

B:Well, I think you should decide for yourself.

A:But I need someone that I can count on for this job.

B:Okay,Okay.You can trust him.I was just trying to give you a hard time .

A:Come on you're confusing me.Give it to me straight.

B:Actually,he's the most dependable person I know,and he would never turn on anyone.


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