中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所2014年植物分子遗传学 启事

The Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB), Chinese Academy of Sciences, invites applicants for several faculty positions in plant molecular genetics. The appointment of all positions will be at Principal Investigator (full professor) level.

IGDB is a leading institution of life sciences in China. We seek nominations and applications from individuals who have expertise and a record of accomplishments in research areas related to plant molecular genetics, genome evolution, epigenetics, computational biology and systems biology. The successful candidates will be expected to employ cutting edge technology to address fundamental questions in the regulation of plant growth and development, focusing on important agronomic traits in major crops and model plant species.

More information about IGDB can be found at http://www.genetics.ac.cn or http://english.genetics.cas.cn/. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, representative publications, a statement of research experiences and interests as well as the names and contact information of three referees to:

Dr. Weicai Yang, Chair of the Search Committee

Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Beijing 100101, China

E-mail: wcyang@genetics.ac.cn

更多信息请查看北京市 考试网
